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Growing Through The Seasons: Gardening Workshops

Yellow Farmhouse and Stone Acres farmers will help you create a blueprint for your beds, plan for produce throughout the growing season, manage weeds and pests sustainably, cultivate a bounty of tomatoes, build soil health, and put your garden to rest in the fall.
All experience levels are welcome!
$35 per workshop. Class Information:
Planning Your Garden on April 3 OR April 17 from 5:30PM - 7PM (Please send an email to with which date you will attend)
Managing Weeds & Pests on June 5th from 5:30PM - 7PM
Tomato Cultivation on August 7th from 5:30PM - 7PM
Soil Building: Compost and Fertilization on September 18th from 5:30PM - 7PM
Closing & Covering Up on October 23rd from 5:30PM - 7PM
Proceeds benefit the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center, whose goal is to connect people to where their food comes from and make a local, sustainable food system accessible to all.
Meet at the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center on Stone Acres Farm, 389 North Main Street, Stonington CT 06378.
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